Μετά από δημοσίευμα για την δημιουργία της Ελληνικής ΑΟΖ που δημοσιεύτηκε σε ένα group υποστήριξης των Ελλήνων στο FACEBOOK, έστειλα το παρακάτω μήνυμα στον υπέρμαχο της ΑΟΖ κ. Λυγερό με την παράκληση μιας απάντησης.
Ηλεκτονικό μήνυμα πρός κ. Ν. Λυγερό c/o Olga Raptopoulou
Το παρακάτω κείμενο δημοσιεύτηκε σήμερα στο facebook στο group “Europeans standing by Greeks!” και νομίζω ότι αξίζει μιας απάντησης
εκ μέρους του κ. Ν. Λυγερού αφού απομυθοποιεί τα οφέλη από την δημιουργία ΑΟΖ.
Ελπίζω να δω την απάντηση του κ. Λυγερού μέσα από τα επόμενα μηνύματα που
μου διαβιβάζετε καθώς και στο αναφερόμενο group στο facebook.
Κων/νος Γραικιώτης
We've all heard about the Special Economic Zones
(SEZs). But how many of us are really informed about what exactly they are???
How many of the Greeks know, that all the administrative regions of Greece,
under pressure from the German government, will be converted into SEZs. I think
this is the explanation for the accelerated implementation of the project
Kallikratis in 2010, through which were created the current Greek
administrative regions. This was the preparation by Papandreou and he really
was in a hurry !!!
A SEZ is a financial arrangement that is not foreseen by EU law and therefore their creation requires the approval of the European Commission.... .... Thus the Minister of development Hatzidakis .... (actually pressed from the German government) ..... should request the approval ....... and guess what..... .....he will receive it of course (we are free to do as we're told)!!!! What an awesome theatre this EU is.....ultimately!!!
The issue is under discussion during the last two years at least, but always in low tones and fine prints......no need to be noticed!!!
If you ask me, this process ...... was the original goal of creating the Greek crisis ....... and now that it begins to take place ....... we can see the last act of this drama!
A Special Economic Zone is a separate administrative region, a guaranteed and defined area within the economic territory of a State, on which are applied different tariff, tax or other specific legal provisions, regulations and administrative privileges for transit commodity. In particular, firms operating in SEZs enjoy special, favorable tax treatment. Companies that set up businesses within a SEZ enjoy, for example, beneficial terms when buying structured /grown properties, partly inexpensive support for handling procedures for establishing their business or tax exemption in respect of acquisition of land and buildings. Also, these companies may be exempt from corporate income tax. The state will also have the right to proceed to compulsory acquisition on rural properties, in favor of multinational investors and in PARTICULAR low prices if necessary due the “national interest”. The existence of the employee’s rights in SEZs is another serious question to be answered! In India they say that it’s another kind of slavery ….12-16 hours of cheap work per day under terrible conditions. Not to speak about the change of the total profile of the country’s economy , the loss of the agricultural production just for the benefit of a multinational, the conversion of farmers after the expropriation of their land .... in impoverished laborers etc.
Today there are over 5000 SEZs in 125 countries worldwide, of which 1300 are private. The vast majority are in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. In Europe there are only in countries of the former Eastern block such as Poland. Did you wonder why?
The official aim of creating a SEZ, is the development of the country, by attracting foreign investors.
Even if we accept that it is possible to operate successfully both for the benefit of the host country and its people and for the benefit of investors.... simple logic says that this could only happen with the prerequisite, the host country to be a free and sovereign country whose leadership is in the interests of their people But unfortunately this is not the case of Greece, which is now a country shackled with debt under a corrupt leadership. The global experience of SEZs already operating for 30 years is from very controversial to negative. In a first study i could say that the correct title would be CEZ "colonial economic zone."!!!
Because this is something that is being cooking right now under our noses and in the darkness....... because nobody tells us what it is about ....... because we ourselves have the responsibility and the duty to investigate and be informed about these issues that may change our lives dramatically ......let's all search and find out the truth and act accordingly....tomorrow maybe it'll be too late!
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